
Spiritual Gymnasium

Spiritual Gymnasium (8): Body: Personal Life

Our lives and testimonies as Christians can either draw people to believe in the Lord or drive people away from the Lord. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung sets out to explain the four ways in which we must train our bodies. He begins with an appeal to allow the transformative work of Christ to manifest in our personal lives. Audio and video are now available

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Spiritual Gymnasium (7): Soul: Will

Since the fall of man, the human will has been under bondage to sin. But by the grace of God through Jesus Christ, the will can once again be set free. In this message, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung urges us to train our newly-freed will and learn to become more Christ-like by submitting to the Spirit’s leading. Audio and video are now available.

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Spiritual Gymnasium (6): Soul: Mind

An important aspect of exercising our souls is the training of our minds to manifest the mindset of Christ. In this message, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung urges us to renew our minds daily in God’s sanctifying truth and transforming grace. Audio and video for this message are now available.

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