
English Service

Holy Hats and Heavenly Hairdos

Holy Hats and Heavenly Hairdos

As we use our spiritual gifts during worship services to build up fellow believers and worship God, let us be mindful that God desires orderliness when we gather in worship. This week, Pastor Renz Raquion discusses the definition of worship and shares the dos and don’ts of public worship.

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Use Your Freedom for the Glory of God

Use Your Freedom for the Glory of God

As believers, our freedom in Christ comes with responsibilities. This week, Rev. Mike Cariño urges us to not misuse our Christ-given freedom for selfish purposes. Instead, let us bring glory to God and help others know His liberating presence.

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The Idolatry of Theology

The Idolatry of Theology

Despite being aware of their historical failings, the nation of Israel fell into idolatry. This week, Pastor Isaac Cheung underscores that merely learning about sin is inadequate to prevent it. Let us strive to overcome deliberate sin by wholeheartedly loving God.

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Giving Up our Rights for the Sake of the Gospel

Giving Up our Rights for the Sake of the Gospel

What logical reason did Paul have for willingly giving up his rights to make the Gospel accessible to all? This week, Pastor Joseph Ouano explains how we have much more to gain when we’re willing to surrender our rights for the sake of the Gospel. Read Today’s Scripture Passage 1 Corinthians 9:15-27 Life Group Discussion Guide Download PDF 1. Start with a prayer2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)– Share a time when you made a sacrifice for your faith. How did it impact your spiritual growth and your relationship with God? 3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)– Read the passage. Explain how this relates to matters of liberty tackled in chapter 8.– What does it mean that the Jews are […]

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