
Video 2: The Contents of the D-Map

Watch the second tutorial video for the CBCP Discipleship Map below.
In this video, you’ll get an overview of the various parts of the Discipleship Map.

Dive deeper into the four key growth areas of the D-Map: Life, Truth, Mission, and Community. This video breaks down each area to help you see what spiritual growth looks like in practice.

  • Life. Learn about developing a genuine spiritual life, from the foundations of being born again to building a proven track record of spiritual fruit.

  • Truth. Explore your journey from understanding the gospel to articulating your faith confidently. 

  • Mission. Learn how to advance God’s Kingdom from first seeking it to embodying it in all areas of life. 

  • Community. Go from regular church attendance to sacrificial service in your local church.

Each area provides clear markers to help you and your disciples assess where you are and what growth looks like at each stage. The D-Map offers practical questions and indicators to guide spiritual development in these essential areas.

Learn more

Watch the other D-Map Tutorial Videos.

Video 1: What the D-Map is

What the Discipleship Map is and is not, and its role in CBCP’s discipleship process.

Video 3: How to Use the D-Map / Planning Your 1st Meeting

Get the ball rolling with your disciples by planning your first meeting with them.

Video 4: FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions about using the D-Map, plus tips to make your meetings more productive.

Video 5: Live Demo

A practical demonstration of what a D-Map session may look like between a disciple and discipler.
