

Good News of Great Joy

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Scripture Passage: Luke 2:8-20 Introduction: Happiness and Joy are fundamentally different 1. Joy springs from the inner being; happiness from outside causes 2. Joy is eternal; Happiness is Temporary a. This is Good News of Great Joy that Overcome Fear b. This is Good News of Great Joy about Redemptive Grace c. This is Good News of Great Joy about Peace and Joy

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Spiritual Lessons from Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey (Part 1)

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Scripture Passage: Acts 15:36-16:10 OUTLINE 1. A New Team 15:36-41 a. Barnabas’ Conviction: People-oriented ministry b. Paul’s Conviction: Task-oriented ministry 2. A New Helper 16:1-5 3. A New Direction 16:6-8 a. The Holy Spirit’s Prohibition b. The Macedonian Vision SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS 1. Who was the reason for Paul and Barnabas’ argument? Why? In your opinion, who was right and who was wrong? 2. Did The Lord do anything with regards to this issue? 3. Why did Paul allow Timothy to be circumcised? 4. What should we do when the Holy Spirit keeps us from doing something that is in accordance with the Truth? 5. What is the Macedonian vision? What long-term impact did this vision […]

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The Gospel Door Cannot be Closed (Acts 15)

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Outline 1. Do not be used by Satan as an instrument to attack the church 15:1-2 2. Do not concede that which should e contended; do not contend that which may be conceded 15:1-2 3. Be receptive as you debate with others 15:6-21 4. Do not insist on what can be compromised; do not compromise that which must be insisted on 15:19-21 Small Group Discussions 1. From your experience or observation, have you ever seen or heard of a believer becoming a tool of Satan? Please share. 2. Under what circumstances have you refuses to concede when you could have, or conceded when you should have contended? 3. How can we have a receptive attitude when […]

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Spiritual Lessons from Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey (Part 3)

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung OUTLINE 1. Fifth Stop : Iconium 14:1-7 – prepare to face spiritual divisions – try to avoid trouble 2. Sixth Stop: Lystra 14:8-20 – One Miracle – Two Responses 3. Seventh Stop: Derbe 14:21 SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS 1. What is the 5th station of Paul’s missionary journey? What spiritual lessons can be learned from it? 2. Where is the sixth station of Paul’s missionary journey? How is this miracle similar to the miracle that happened in Acts 3 at the Beautiful Gate? How are they different? 3. This miracle brought on two responses. What are they? What is the spiritual significance of each response? 4. Where is the 7th stop of Paul’s missionary journey? What spiritual […]

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