
April 19, 2020

Choosing between Life and Death | Draw Near to God

David was facing a life-and-death situation when he wrote Psalm 16. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung reminds us that, like David, we can trust God, seek refuge in Him, and rely on His guidance as we walk the path of life.

Prefer to read the English translation of this message? Download Choosing Between Life and Death (PDF).

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Psalm 16

Discussion Questions

Use these questions to guide your life group discussions or personal reflections.

1. How did God speak to you through this message? What do you remember from the message? Read v.1. This verse provides a declaration.

2. What does ‘take refuge’ mean? Read vv.2-11. These verses provide an explanation.

3. In vv.2-8, David takes refuge in God. What are the 3 ‘No’s’? What do these mean?

4. Put God first. What is considered truly good? Is there anything that you put above God?

5. God is the object of his love. What are the 2 kinds of people? What are your tendencies to be one or the other? Read 1John4:20, how can this help us love God?

6. God is his portion. What does ‘portion’ mean? What are the complaints you usually have? How can you turn these into claiming that God is your portion?

7. In vv.9-11, God kept David safe. Please share any pressures you are facing (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.). How can you take refuge in God?

Tithes & Offering

We praise the Lord that despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we can still worship online together. If CBCP is your home church and you are moved to give at this time, you may deposit your offerings via online fund transfer to our church bank accounts. Learn how to give.