
April 12, 2020

A Life Lived in Vain or Not in Vain

How do we ensure that our lives are not lived in vain? This Easter Sunday, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung explains that Christ’s resurrection is the key to a transformed life.

Prefer to read the English translation of this message? Download A Life Lived in Vain or Not in Vain (PDF).

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Discussion Questions

Use these questions to guide your life group discussions or personal reflections.

1. What does Jesus’ resurrection mean for you? Do you have hope in Christ only in the present? Only in the future? Or both? Please share.

2. Read the passage. We will gain a new outlook on life. In verse 8, what does ‘as to one untimely born’ mean (read Ps.27:13)? In verse 9, what is Paul’s attitude? How did Paul’s perspective change when he encountered Jesus? Reflect: Who are you without God? How will your life be without God?

3. We will experience transformation in our life. Read 1Cor.15:10 and 2Cor.5:17, how have you experienced transformation by the grace of God? In 1Cor.4:13, how do people see Christians? In 1Tim.1:15, how did Paul see himself after he encountered Jesus? In 1Tim.1:!6, how does God see us?

4. We will demonstrate God’s grace in our life. Read 1Cor.15:9-10, what was he like when he was still called Saul? How does transformation look like in Paul’s life? How has your life demonstrated God’s grace?

5. How would you like to respond to the Holy Spirit through this message? What about this message that you want to remember?

Tithes & Offering

We praise the Lord that despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we can still worship online together. If CBCP is your home church and you are moved to give at this time, you may deposit your offerings via online fund transfer to our church bank accounts. Learn how to give.