Rest in the Shadow of the Almighty | Draw Near to God (17)

Is there a difference between believing God and trusting Him? This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung helps us understand the difference – and its impact on our lives – by exploring the four facets of Psalms 91.
Are You Ready to Worship?
Grab your Bible or have your favorite Bible app ready. Silence your phone and other devices. Be still, calm your mind, and become aware of God’s presence.
Read Today’s Scripture Passage
Psalm 91
Worship the Lord through Song
Let us prepare our hearts for worship.
Listen to the Word
Discussion Questions
Use these questions to guide your life group discussions or personal reflections.
1. What have you learned from this message? How is believing God different from trusting God? Which one do you think is your faith? Why?
2. Read vv.1-2. One declaration. What is the psalmist declaring? Where is the safest place and how can we be in the safest place? Why is being in Christ the safest place?
3. Read vv.3-8. One invitation. What are the 2 disasters? How did the psalmist have assurance and how did he describe God’s protection? Read Matt.23:37, what does this verse say about Jesus’ protection? What is the psalmist inviting us to do?
4. Read vv.9-13. One confirmation. What is the condition in verse 9? What does this mean? What are the 2 results of putting our trust in the Lord? How has God been protecting/guarding you?
5. Read vv.14-18. One explanation. What are the 3 reasons for overcoming the disaster? What are the names of God that the psalmist used? What do these mean?
6. How would you like to respond to this message? Reflection: Do you love God? Do you know God? Do you call upon God? Turn this into prayer.