
December 15, 2024

禍從天降的困境 A Heaven-sent Disaster

無論你讀多少遍《約伯記》,你都會自然地質疑上帝為何允許如此巨大的苦難降臨在一個義人身上。 本週,張國強牧師解釋一場禍從天降的困境。

No matter how often we read the Book of Job, we can’t help but wonder why God permitted such suffering to befall a righteous man. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung unravels the mystery of a heaven-sent disaster.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

約伯記 The Book of Job

Life Group Discussion Guide

Download PDF

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
• Share a recent time when you experienced an injustice or suffering that felt undeserved. How did you respond? How did your response impact your faith and others?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• Skim through the book of Job. How does the book of Job challenge traditional views of suffering, such as the belief that it is always a result of sin?
• What lessons about God’s sovereignty and wisdom can be learned from His responses to Job (Job 38-41) in contrast to his friends’ views?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
• Be honest: Do you genuinely believe that God’s wisdom and sovereignty are greater than your own understanding of your situation? Why or why not?
• How do you respond when others challenge your faith or understanding of God during difficult times?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
• In what specific ways can you cultivate a habit of worshiping God in the midst of suffering?
• What steps can you take this week to seek God’s voice in a quiet and intentional way, especially when facing difficulties? (Consider setting aside time for prayer and meditating on Psalm 119.)

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
• Praise the Lord for His unfathomable wisdom and sovereignty that are far beyond human understanding. Thank Him for being present in both blessings and suffering, using every situation for His purposes. Rejoice in the assurance that even in the midst of our trials, He remains faithful and in control, working all things for His glory and our ultimate good.
• Repent for the times you have doubted God’s goodness or questioned His justice in moments of suffering. Ask for forgiveness for holding onto limited perspectives, and for failing to trust in God’s perfect wisdom and plan. Pray for a heart that submits fully to God’s sovereignty, even when the reasons for pain remain a mystery.

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