
October 8, 2023

Because of Our Hope in Christ, We can Do Good even when People Do Evil Things to Us

How do we respond when some people seek to harm us on our journey as pilgrims and God’s holy people? This week, Ptr. Joseph Ouano urges us to do good even when we are wronged because God continues to bless us and can use our trials as opportunities for the Gospel.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

1 Peter 3:8-22

Life Group Discussion Guide

Download PDF

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Describe a recent argument you had with someone and how you resolved it.

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Read the passage. What is the relationship between this passage and the previous ones (Chapter 2 and 3:1-7)?
– What psalm does Peter quote in this section (vv.10-12)? What is this psalm’s relevance to the passage?
– Instead of being afraid, what should Christians do when they suffer (vv.14-15)?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– Examine your heart: What makes you fearful about suffering? What prevents you from feeling hopeful?
– Be honest: When was the last time you attempted to share the gospel/had a spiritual conversation with someone? What are the roadblocks and root causes that hinder you from sharing your faith more often?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– What holds you back from doing good when people do evil things to you? What specific steps can you take to stop this fleshly reaction and be more like Christ?
– How can you better be prepared to defend your faith and stand firm amidst persecution?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Praise God that even if we experience trials and tribulations as His children, He has ultimately overcome the world. Pray for courage and faith as you continue to glorify Him in thought, word, and deed in whatever circumstance. Ask God to help you turn from evil, do good, and seek peace, all the days of your life.
– Pray for the desire and commitment to embrace compassion, humility, and love so that you may be an example of a godly believer and give glory to His Name. Repent for the times you have failed to do so.
– Request God to guard your heart and guide your speech. Ask for wisdom and gentleness when answering questions and sharing about your faith in Christ.

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Tithes & Offering

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