
September 10, 2023

The Way of Life of a Pilgrim


Christians are assured of a future hope of glory upon the return of Jesus Christ. What, then, must we do as we await that hope? This week, Ptr. Nathan Tee urges us to focus on reaching the lost and ridding ourselves of impurities as we draw closer to this promised future.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

1 Peter 1:13-25

Life Group Discussion Guide

Download PDF

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Share how your life was before you became a Christian. How is it different now? How is your spiritual life different from 5 or 10 years ago?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Read the passage. What is the “therefore” there for in verse 13?
– Define holiness. From this definition, how would you describe a “holy” Christian life? How does a holy life differ from a worldly life (both inward and outward)?
– What does this passage teach us about God’s character?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– Examine your heart. What hinders you from living a God-fearing life?
– Do you believe that God’s Word is alive and able to transform? What roadblocks are present in your mind, heart, and conduct?
– Look back on the past months. Did you show love or care for others conditionally or unconditionally?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– Is it possible to stop conforming to the world’s beliefs, standards, and habits? How will you do so? (Note for leaders: make sure that your members do not just settle with surface-level behavior change)
– In what concrete ways can you exhibit being a loving disciple of Christ?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Reflect on the times you trivialized or took Christ’s grace for granted. Take the time to express your gratitude for the price that Christ paid to redeem us so that we can spend eternity with Him.
– Ask God to help you live your life with a pure heart, a reverent fear of the Lord, and sincere love for one another. Pray to be holy as He is holy, living a life honoring to Him in thought, word, and deed.

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Tithes & Offering

We praise the Lord that despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we can still worship online together. If CBCP is your home church and you are moved to give at this time, you may deposit your offerings via online fund transfer to our church bank accounts. Learn how to give.