
May 14, 2023

Divine Set-Ups

At first glance, Esther appears to be a victim of her circumstances, with life beyond her or God’s control. Listen to Rev. Genesis Tan this week as he shows us how God’s silence doesn’t mean He isn’t working in our lives. On the contrary, His unseen hands are prodding us along paths that fulfill His plan if we follow His lead.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Esther 2

Life Group Discussion Guide

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1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Share a time when you were asked to do something. Did you follow? What happened?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Read the passage. Describe the people in the passage.
– Who is Esther? What is her background? Describe her character.
– Where do you see God’s invisible hands in this passage?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– What are your similarities with Esther?
– Most of us have come from simple backgrounds. Has there been a time when you feel God only uses others but not you?
– What is your attitude when God wants you to do something? What makes it easy/difficult to follow?
– Mordecais’s good deed was forgotten. Do you have a similar experience? What is it like for you?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– How do you think God is using you and your life right now? What attitude should change in order to fully be God’s vessel?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Praise God because He chooses to let us be His vessels despite our weaknesses, doubts, and imperfections.
– Pray for a heart that willingly obeys God’s instructions and to delight as His vessel for His kingdom.

Tithes & Offering

We praise the Lord that despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we can still worship online together. If CBCP is your home church and you are moved to give at this time, you may deposit your offerings via online fund transfer to our church bank accounts. Learn how to give.