
November 6, 2022

基督徒當順服掌權者嗎? Should Christians Submit to Authority?

在上有權柄的, 人人當順服他, 因為沒有權柄不是出於神的, 凡掌權的都是神所命的。命定可以翻作委任 appointed, 保羅說在我們上面有權柄都是神所委任的, 所以人人當順服他, 這叫創造次序 Creation order; 當人順服這個次序的時候世界才不會亂。在家裡妻子順服丈夫, 僕人順服主人, 這樣家才不是亂; 在社會裡我們順服在上有權柄的人, 我們的總統, 我們的政府, 這樣國家才不會亂。在上有權柄的是出於神的, 掌權的都是神所命的, 我們順服在上掌權者, 為的是讓他更有效的執行神給他的使命。

What does the Bible say about government authorities? This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung reminds us to submit to governing bodies in society because their appointment is part of God’s plan.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Romans 13:1-7

Life Group Discussion Guide

Download PDF

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
• Share an experience on dealing with government authorities (e.g. traffic, gov’t offices, etc. Note to leaders: Encourage discussions but not debate)

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• Read the passage. What does it mean that God established authorities (both good and evil)?
• Compare: God’s design for authority and the reality of it. What does this show about mankind?
• What did you learn about God?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
• What is your attitude towards the authorities in your life?
• What must change in order for you to submit to the authorities in your life? (Note to leaders: Answers may vary from change in the people in authority (external) to a change in the member’s own heart (internal). It’s best to have a realization on the need for internal change but not force them but be ready to listen to their answers.)

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
• As a follower of Christ, what is our part in God’s design for authorities? What are some simple steps that you can take to help the authorities fulfill their role?
• If you are an authority in your circles of influence (family, workplace, school, etc.), how can you exercise the gift of authority given to you by God?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
• Praise God for His authority over all and we can trust that He is making everything work for His purposes.
• Ask for forgiveness for the times when we contribute to the evil of the society and for having an unpleasant attitude towards authority, forgetting that God is our ultimate King and Lord.
• Pray for God’s grace to walk in step with the Spirit as we submit to authority even when it’s difficult and challenging at times, and for a humble heart to submit to God above all else.

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