
July 10, 2022

The Assurance of the Spirit

How can Christians be sure of the hope of glory? Romans 8 defines the role of the Holy Spirit in salvation and why we must live by the Spirit. In this message, Ptr. Jared Co walks us through how the Holy Spirit assures our present to future glory.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Romans 8

Life Group Discussion Guide

Download PDF

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)

  • Follow up from last week: What kind of temptations did you face the past week? What was the outcome? (Note to leader: Rejoice with those who were able to flee; encourage and reassure those who were not able to flee.)

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)

  • Read the passage. What does Paul tell us about the Holy Spirit?
  • What did you learn about God’s love?
  • What promise of God from this passage is worth remembering?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)

  • In what way will your life be different if you let the Holy Spirit dwell in you and be your Master?
  • What does it mean for you that nothing can separate you from God’s love?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)

  • With what you have learned about God, how should you relate to God better? How should this change the way you handle difficult situations?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)

  • Thank the Lord for giving us the Holy Spirit to help us overcome sin; for His unchanging and great love that nothing can separate us from His love; for a sure future glory for believers through Christ.
  • Pray for enabling to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and to let Him be our Master; to be faithful even when we face trials and difficult situations.

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Tithes & Offering

We praise the Lord that despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we can still worship online together. If CBCP is your home church and you are moved to give at this time, you may deposit your offerings via online fund transfer to our church bank accounts. Learn how to give.