
June 23, 2019

The Excellent Christian Life (4) | Life or Death: Choose between Two Blessings

Ptr. Mike Cariño urges us to follow Paul’s example and hold on to Christ and His glory as our greatest treasure in life and in death.

Audio and video for this message are now available.

Scripture Passage
Philippians 1:19-26

Discussion Questions

1. Read Philippians 1:20. Honor Christ whether through life or through death. Some people have the wrong reason for living and for dying. What is your reason for living? According to Paul, what is the right reason to live and to die?

2. Read Philippians 1:21-24. Hold on to a reality stronger than life or death. What is your reality? (To love, to die, or both)

3. Read Philippians 1:23-26. Help advance God’s purposes both in life or in death. Why did Paul consider the 2 things as blessings? Why was he torn? What is your take on Paul’s view?

4. What effect does Jesus have on Paul’s perspective on life? What effect does Jesus have on your perspective on life?

5. Because of Christ, we can have a life worth living and a death worth dying. What are thoughts on this?

6. Share your learning/s from the message.