Church Schedule Updates

In light of the recent fire in Talayan Village, the following venue and schedule changes will be observed.
Last updated: March 8, 2019 at 3:00 PM
Beginning March 10, 2019
Repairs at the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) will be completed by this weekend.
Beginning March 10 (Sunday), groups that had previously been using the MPH – the Women’s Fellowship, Switch, Bible Study w/ Rev. Cheung, and Youth Worship (Emerge) – can resume using the venue.
From the week of February 11, 2019 until further notice
- Thu 2:00 PM – 4 PM. Women’s Fellowship @ the CBCP Basement
- Fri 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM. Rev. Cheung’s Friday Bible Study sessions @ the CBCP Library
- Sat 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Switch Saturday Worship Services @ the CBCP Library
- Sun 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM. Youth Worship Service @ a nearby Talayan location. Contact the church office for details
All other church activities continue at their normal times and venues.
For the week of February 4 to February 10, 2019
1. Fellowships and Seminars
- Feb 6 (Wed). 7:00 PM. Men’s Fellowship @ Quezon City Sports Club, Note: only for confirmed attendees; walk-ins will not be accepted.
- Feb 7 (Thu). 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Women’s Fellowship @ CBCP Sanctuary
- Feb 7 (Thu). 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM. The 2019 Journey Group (JG) Orientation will be held @ 17th Floor Hexagon Corporate Center (1471 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City)
- Feb 8 (Fri). 8:00 – 9:30 PM. Bible Study with Rev. Cheung @ Choir Room
- Feb 9 (Sat). 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Work in God’s Story (Workshop by Prof. Andrew Heyd) @ CBCP Sanctuary
2. Life Groups and Journey Groups
- The church is unable to accommodate Life Groups and Journey Groups meetings in CBCP this week.
- Please wait for our assessment for next week’s schedule.
3. Choirs
Confirmed Updates:
- M.O.S.T. – no practice on Feb 5
Please check directly with the leaders of your respective groups to confirm if rehearsals this week will continue or will be canceled for these groups:
- HV @ Choir Room (Wed 8:00 PM)
- Main Choir @ Choir Room (Sat 7:00 PM)
- Children’s Choir (Sun 11:00 AM)
4. Children’s Church
Regular classes resume on Feb 10 (Sun)
- Children’s Church @ Basement on Sundays, 9:00AM and 11:00 AM
5. Emerge Youth Ministry
Regular services at temporary locations until further notice
- Switch (Sat Youth Service) @ Tagalog Hall on Saturdays, 4:00 – 6:00 PM
- Sunday Youth Worship Service @ Satellite Location in Talayan Village on Sundays, 9:00 – 10:30 AM. Please contact the Church office for venue details.
6. Tagalog Worship Schedule and Life Groups
No changes to the regular schedule
- Tagalog Life Group @ Tagalog Hall (Fridays, 8:00 PM)
- Tagalog Worship Service @ Tagalog Hall (Sundays, 9:00 AM)
For the week of January 30 to February 3, 2019
1. Basement and Multi-Purpose Hall
- The church’s Basement & Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) will NOT be accessible to all church-goers until at least Sunday (Feb 3) or until advised otherwise.
- While only the MPH sustained damage, this restriction has been put in place for everyone’s safety and to minimize exposure to harmful fumes.
2. Life Groups and Journey Groups
- The church is unable to accommodate Life Groups and Journey Groups meetings in CBCP this week.
- Groups are highly encouraged to temporarily set meeting locations outside CBCP until Feb 16.
3. Mid-week activities
- These mid-week activities have been canceled:
- Men’s Fellowship (Jan 30, Wed)
- Women’s Fellowship (Jan 31, Thu)
- Bible Study with Rev. Cheung (Feb 1, Fri)
- HV Practice @ Choir Room (Jan 30, Wed, 7:30 PM) is left to the discretion of the officers.
- Main Choir Practice @ Choir Room will push through on Feb 2, Sat at 7:00 PM
4. Children’s Church
- There will be NO Children’s Church this Sunday, Feb 3.
5. Emerge Youth Worship Services
- Switch (Sat Youth Service) will be held at the Tagalog Hall this Saturday, Feb 2, 4:00 to 6:00 PM
- The Sunday Youth Worship Service will push through on Feb 3, 9:00 to 10:30 AM at a nearby location within Talayan village. Please contact the Church office for more details.
6. Tagalog Worship Service and Life Group
- No changes to the regular schedule
- Tagalog Life Group @ Tagalog Hall (Feb 1, Fri, 8:00 PM)
- Tagalog Worship Service @ Tagalog Hall (Feb 3, Sun, 9:00 AM)
Please bookmark this post or for future updates.
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