Be Mindful of Things Unseen (8) | God’s No and God’s Yes

When God says ‘no’, it is never without the promise of His presence, His trustworthiness, and His sovereignty. In this message, Ptr. Michael Cariño urges us to look to God for courage, strength, and faith in the midst of life’s disappointments. Audio and video for this message are now available.
Scripture Passage
Acts 16:6-10
Lifegroup Discussion Questions
1. Have you been wanting to do something that is good, and yet God says ‘no’? Have you been asking God to change something bad into something good, yet God says ‘no’? How did you handle these types of disappointments?
2. Sometimes God will stop us from getting what seems to be ‘good’ for us, to get what is actually best for us. Why do you think this is true for you? Please share your experience.
3. Like Paul’s “thorn in the flesh,” we all have something that is holding us back. It could be a person, a sickness, a situation, a weakness. You ask God to change it or remove it, but He does not. What do you think is your “thorn in the flesh”?