
February 25, 2018

Build God’s Church (8): Build the Church’s Treasures: The Spirit of God

The Holy Spirit builds the church by giving believers the power to witness for the Lord. In this message, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung shows us how to surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s leading. [Audio and video now available]

Scripture Passage
John 14:16

Sermon Notes

1. The Holy Spirit is our ___________

2. The Holy Spirit leads us into all ____________

3. The Holy Spirit wants to fill us
a. __________ that is filled with the Holy Spirit
b. ______________ that is filled with the Holy Spirit
c. ______________ that is filled with the Holy Spirit

Lifegroup Discussion Questions

1. What is your key takeaway from this message?

2. The Holy Spirit is our coworker. How have you experienced this truth?

3. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. In what way should we cooperate with the Holy Spirit?

4. What does being filled with the Spirit mean?

5. The Holy Spirit fills us in three aspects: in our life, ministry, and emotions. Please share your experiences on being filled with the Spirit in these aspects.