
June 2, 2013

Lessons from Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (3)

By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung

Acts 17:1-15

Acts chapter 17 records that after Paul left Philippi, he went to preach the gospel in three different places, that is: Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. in these three places, the people responded to God’s word in three different ways. In Thessalonica, some were persuaded (v.4) to accept the word of God. In Berea, the people received the message with eagerness (v.11), they offered God’s word. In Athens, they ridiculed the word of God, they despised the word of God. Let us study some spiritual lessons from Thessalonica and Berea.

1. In Thessalonica, they were persuaded to accept the word of God v.1-9

a. Debate 辯論
b. Explain 講解
c. Expound 陳明
d. Preach 宣講

2. In Berea, they received the message with eagerness v.10-15

a. Eagerly accepted this message 要甘心領心受這道
b. Examine this message 查考這道