
January 27, 2013

Spiritual Lessons from Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey (Part 2)

By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung

Scripture passage: Acts 16:11-40

Paul’s second missionary journey was a new beginning — with a new team, a new helper, a new direction. Because of the voice from Macedonia, Paul sailed off to Philippi and there, three events occurred.

1. Lydia’s whole family turned to the Lord
a. Lydia was a godly woman
b. Lydia was an influential woman
c. Lydia was a leader

2. Paul and Silas were jailed
a. Paul desired the truth, not vain glory
b. People of the world desire wealth, not the truth

3. The Jailer and his whole family turned to the Lord
a. The sound of Paul and Silas’ singing at midnight
b. The sound of the Jailer’s cry for help

Small Group Discussions

1. What lessons can we learn from Lydia?

2. It is very touching to hear singing in the night, but how can we sing instead of grumble in the middle of the night?

3. What is the reason the jailer and his whole family turned to the Lord?

4. Who were the members of the church in Philippi? Do you think anything is strange about that? Please share.