By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung The Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd. A good shepherd has two characteristics (John 10:14). – He loves his sheep – He knows his sheep Jesus gave us a great example, and we need to learn how to be a shepherd from Him.
By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Our topic today is “Jesus was a Carpenter.” Why did Jesus have to be a carpenter? Jesus began his work at only 30 years of age, and his ministry only lasted for three years. Jesus was a carpenter longer than he was a preacher. Don’t you think this is a bit odd? With his wisdom, intellect, talent, and power, why did Jesus have to be a carpenter for so many years before he began to preach?
By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Jesus said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Genesis 22 is the story about the greatest test of Abraham’s life. When Abraham passed this big test, the Bible’s chronicle of his life gradually decreased and attention turned to Isaac. We can see therefore that Abraham had truly graduated.