
November 20, 2016

Stewardship (2). Managing Your Body

Rev. Jeremiah Cheung continues our series on Stewardship with a challenge to offer our bodies to God. We were purchased from sin and death at a high price, the life of Jesus Christ. Hence, we are no longer our own. We are called to constantly renew our hearts and minds and live in a manner that is worthy of the sacrifice and glory of the cross.

Discussion Questions

1. If the Lord were to come today and call you to account, do you think the Lord will call you a good and faithful servant? Or a lazy and evil servant? In view of our accountability before God someday, what changes will you do today?

2. Paul instructs us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord. Why our bodies? How are our bodies and our lifestyle related? According to Paul, how should we offer our bodies?

3. Why did Paul say, “For to me to live is Christ”? How about you, for whom do you live?

4. Paul said we must offer our hearts and minds to God. How do we do so?

5. Our minds must be renewed and transformed. Humans dislike change, but without change, there can be no growth. As God’s children, how are we to change?

6. Are you willing to change? In what areas do you need to change?