Joshua took on the risk of spying on Jericho, while Rahab risked hiding the spies because she trusted in God’s greatness and His Word. Listen to Ptr. Nathan Tee this week as he shares how God’s faithfulness inspired a people to be strong and courageous.
When the new year brings new challenges and the unknown, we may feel inadequate or unworthy to move forward with courage. Join Ptr. Mike Cariño this week, as we learn from Joshua’s example of trusting and obeying God, for He alone holds our future.
After the death of Moses, God raised Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan into the Promised Land—a journey they had never before taken. This New Year’s Day, listen to Rev. Jeremiah Cheung as we start a new series about traveling through life’s uncharted territories. What will you do when God directs you to venture into parts unknown?
Three types of people knew about Jesus’ birth: Magi from the east, King Herod, and the Chief priests and Teachers of the law, and their responses to the birth of the New Born King were very different. Listen to Rev. Jeremiah Cheung this Christmas Day as he urges us to think personally how we respond to the birth of Jesus.