We can pray and fast on our own, but these practices take on a whole new meaning when they are done as a community. When we pray and fast together, we create opportunities to carry each other’s burdens as the Lord has commanded us. Together, we are stronger. Let us gather in collective prayer and fasting and strengthen our church as one body.
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Amos shows us what happens when the anger of our righteous and just God boils over and His judgment is meted out to the unrepentant. Let us learn from the mistakes of others before the day of His judgment arrives.
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True godliness begins when we accord to God his rightful position and serve Him with the right attitude and in the right way. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung reminds us that the Lord seeks from us the godliness that comes from within and manifests outwardly.
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The Lord God castigated the nation of Israel and her priests for offering sacrifices that dishonored rather than honored Him. This week, Ptr. Jared Co shares the answer to the question: What should we offer to God so that He is truly honored?
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