In our relationships, we need to be ready to forgive just as we need to be forgiven. In this week’s message, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung shows us that true forgiveness is found in the grace we have been shown through Christ.
While we are all free to make our own choices, our choices are not free of consequences. In Part 3 of Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung says that God calls us to live in unity and explains that we can achieve it … provided we make the right choices.
Every human being on earth longs for harmony — a flourishing, harmonious, delightful kind of life — in our relationship with God, with one another, with the world, and with ourselves. In this week’s message, Ptr. Mike Cariño explains that harmony is possible only with restoration, and restoration requires the setting of boundaries. Without boundaries — respect, responsibility, and ownership — there can never be harmony in any relationship.
In part two of our message series, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung says that only someone who is powerful in spirit can set the right boundaries. What does it mean to be weak or powerless in spirit? Conversely, what does it mean to be strong?