In part one of this two-part message, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung shared two of the four practices in child-training: Awakening the spiritual appetite and Being a good example to children. This week, Rev. Cheung concludes the message by revealing the next two boundaries for godly parenting.
Children are blessings from God. Parents have a calling to nurture their children with love and train them in the way of the Lord. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung begins a two-part message on the healthy boundaries that parents must observe to raise godly children. This sermon is part of our current series entitled “Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated the boundary of slowing down through the study of scripture and the practice of silence and solitude. In this week’s message, Ptr. Genesis Tan reminds us that Jesus invites us to slow down to connect with Him.
A mother’s hands are praying hands — for only through prayer can a mother fulfill the mission God has entrusted to her. This week, Rev. Cheung explains how one becomes a prayerful mother.