Life of David 8: What Does God Delight in David? (2)
Although David was king, he maintained a heart that feared the Lord. He didn’t dare say no to God. Today, let us reflect on two more reasons why the Lord delighted in David.
Although David was king, he maintained a heart that feared the Lord. He didn’t dare say no to God. Today, let us reflect on two more reasons why the Lord delighted in David.
When Samuel went to Jesse’s house to anoint one of his sons as king, the Lord told Samuel `man looks at the outward appearance but I look at the heart.’ God’s delighting in a man is totally unrelated to his appearance. God became delighted with David because of his heart. What kind of a heart did David have?
by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung [iframe 500px 500px] Last time, we studied chapter one of the Book of Jonah on the topic “Are You Quitting, Too?” We concluded the message with three `but’s’. The first `but’ is Jonah’s refusal to obey – v.3 `But Jonah ran away from the Lord.’ The second `but’ is Jonah’s downward spiral – v.5 `but Jonah had gone below deck.’ The third `but’ is God’s grace – v. 17 `But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah’ because The Lord didn’t want to see Jonah slide any further downhill! When Jonah was in the fish belly, he offered up a prayer. This prayer is unique in that it was made inside a fish […]
by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung [iframe 500px 500px] While Gloria Arroyo was the country’s president, she employed a policy called holiday economics. This policy seeks to schedule all holidays on Mondays to promote tourism and encourage spending. In the United States, long weekends are a regular occurrence. Every long weekend, whole families would go on vacations; in fact, church attendance drops by half during such weekends. There is nothing wrong with spending. If money isn’t spent, it is dead and useless to us and to society. Li Jia Cheng is Hong Kong’s richest man. One time, as he stepped down from his car, a ten HK dollar coin dropped from his pocket into the gutter. He ordered his driver to […]
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