

Acts (3) Events that Affected the Church

Today, let us reflect on Acts chapter two. These 47 verses record three important events from the Early Church. These three events not only affected the Early Church, it also affected the history of the Church over the ages, even the Church today. What were these three events?
1. The coming of the Holy Spirit (v.1-13);
2. The first message on the resurrection of the Lord (v.14-41) and
3. The model of Early Church life (v.42-47).

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The Secret of Love (2)

During Mother’s Day this year, I talked about the three secrets of love, namely: (1) Think about love. (2) Learn to respect. (3) Learn to receive and to give. Today, I want to share with you a Father’s Day message. I want to share with you, especially the men, four more secrets of love.

June 12, 2011

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7 Miracles in John (1): Water Turned Into Wine

There are seven great miracles in the Gospel of John that show us Jesus is the son of the eternal God, and those who believe in his name have eternal life. I want to discuss with you the seven miracles in seven sessions, so that we will understand more clearly that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the eternal God, and that we may spread this good news. Today, let us look at the first miracle: “Water Turned into Wine.”

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Acts (2): Three Things: Unity, Prayer, Faith (Acts 1:12-26)

The Book of Acts is a history of the Early Church. It records how the gospel spread from Jerusalem, to Samaria, and throughout the entire Roman Empire. Last time we discussed Acts 1:1-11. In these 11 verses, we learned about three voices: first, the voice of the risen Lord, second, the voice of the disciples, and thirdly, the voice of the angels. These three voices brought out some important lessons and truths, which we will study today.

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