Spiritual Lessons from Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey (4)
by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung
by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung
By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Scripture passage: 1 Peter 3:7 Martin Luther once said, “May the wife cause her husband to love coming home, and the husband make the wife sad when he leaves home.” After a man and woman are married, a woman will value the family more, while the man will value his work more, so the man and the woman will have differing values. To have a happy marriage, the two must be willing to learn. 1. Instructions from the Truth / God’s word a. Instructions for the wife: Submit to and Respect your husband b. Instructions for the husband: Love your wife, just as Christ loves the church 2. Four marriage models a. Hate and Defiance model […]
By Rev. Harg Timothy Ang Psalm 139 1. The Father Knows Me (v.1-4) He knows everything that there is to know in this world. He is omniscient. But his knowledge is not limited to just the things and events of the world; the Father also knows *you* He knows your thoughts, your motives, even the words on your tongue that are unspoken. And, the psalmist says, such knowledge is too wonderful, too high to be attained. 2. The Father Surrounds Me (v.5-12) God is everywhere: in heaven, in hell, in the sky, in the sea. And how wonderful it is that God is everywhere because anywhere we may be, God is there to lead us, and to hold us by […]
By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Acts 17:1-15 Acts chapter 17 records that after Paul left Philippi, he went to preach the gospel in three different places, that is: Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. in these three places, the people responded to God’s word in three different ways. In Thessalonica, some were persuaded (v.4) to accept the word of God. In Berea, the people received the message with eagerness (v.11), they offered God’s word. In Athens, they ridiculed the word of God, they despised the word of God. Let us study some spiritual lessons from Thessalonica and Berea. 1. In Thessalonica, they were persuaded to accept the word of God v.1-9 在帖撒羅尼迦-被說服接受了神的道 a. Debate 辯論 b. Explain 講解 c. Expound 陳明 d. Preach […]
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