How we use our bodies is an integral part of worshipping God. This week, Ptr. Nathan Tee teaches us that what we do in and through our physical bodies can be a spiritual act of worship in response to the mercy God has bestowed on us.
Contrary to popular opinion, singleness is good. The Bible even describes it as a blessing. This week, Ptr. Renz Raquion untangles common misconceptions about being single and highlights biblical teachings that will help us embrace singleness.
What does it mean to be our brothers’ keeper? This week, Rev. Genesis Tan says that God calls us to love our siblings by doing good, forgiving their offenses, and pointing them to God.
There is a spiritual battle over the control of our families. However, we can celebrate because God has the victory! This week, Ptr. Nathan Tee urges us to rely on God’s strength, put on His armor, and follow His lead so that our families can fight this battle and flourish according to God’s design.