Three types of people knew about Jesus’ birth: Magi from the east, King Herod, and the Chief priests and Teachers of the law, and their responses to the birth of the New Born King were very different. Listen to Rev. Jeremiah Cheung this Christmas Day as he urges us to think personally how we respond to the birth of Jesus.
In Matthew 1:21, the angel of the Lord announced that Mary would give birth to a Son whom she is to name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. Join Rev. Jeremiah Cheung this week as he urges us to behold Jesus, our Lord and Savior!
Believers of all races can be heirs together in one body and share in the promise of Christ. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung expounds on this mystery of the gospel, which shows how we can worship and serve together with other believers.
It was Paul’s dream to visit three key places despite the danger and distance. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung shows us how Paul’s passion for sharing the gospel compelled him to visit Jerusalem, Rome, and Spain regardless of the risk.