
August 4, 2024

屬靈的恩賜知多少? (一) How Much Do We Know Spiritual Gifts? (1)

哥林多前書第 12 章是聖經中詳細描述屬靈恩賜的內容之一。本週,張國強牧師以林前12:1-11告訴我們屬靈恩賜四個最基本的真理。

1 Corinthians chapter 12 is one of the early biblical passages that describes spiritual gifts in detail. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung draws from 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 to share four fundamental truths about spiritual gifts.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

林前 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Life Group Discussion Guide

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1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
• Share what your spiritual gifts are and how they are being used now. If you haven’t discovered them yet, what is currently hindering you from doing so?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• Read the passage. What are spiritual gifts? Are they special talents and skills? Can a good singing voice or excelling in engineering things be considered as spiritual gifts? Why or why not?
• Who gave the gifts and decided what gifts people would receive (v.11)? Based on your answer, what implications should that have regarding exalting someone for possessing a gift or envying other people’s gifts?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
• Examine yourself: How do you discern whether something is from the Holy Spirit or another source? What biblical principles can guide you in your discernment?
• In what ways have you used your spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ? Which areas of your life is God encouraging you to utilize them more?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
• Identify a specific spiritual gift you have. Then, plan a concrete way to use this gift to serve your church or community this month.
• If you feel unsure about your spiritual gifts, what practical steps will you take to seek and discover them? How will you commit to using them to edify and build others up?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
• Praise God for the diversity and unity of spiritual gifts He has bestowed upon us. Thank Him for the wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, and other gifts that He has distributed among us. Express your gratitude that these gifts are given not for our own glory, but to build up the body of Christ. Thank Him for the unique roles He has designed for each of us and for the purpose He has placed in our hearts to serve His church.
• Come before the Lord in repentance for the times you have compared your gifts to others and felt inadequate or envious. Ask for forgiveness for not fully embracing and using the gifts He has given us to their fullest potential. Ask that God may help you discern and reject any influence that does not come from the Holy Spirit. Pray that your heart and mind remain pure, and that you will be led to faithfully use your gifts to glorify God and edify others in our church community.

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