
June 16, 2024

Papa Don’t Preach!

The Gospel sits at the heart of biblical parenting, with fathers responsible for nurturing and raising their children. This week, Ptr. Renz Raquion reminds parents to be lovingly present so they can raise and discipline their children in ways that profoundly impact their lives.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Ephesians 6:4

Life Group Discussion Guide

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1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
– Share a family tradition involving/initiated by your parents that you cherish. Why is it special to you? How does this make you appreciate your parents more?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
– Read the verse and consider other Scriptural passages. According to the Bible what are the roles of parents in a child’s well-being?
– What does the balance between parental authority and the child’s individuality and personality look like in today’s context?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
– How did your father/parental figures fulfill their role in nurturing and raising you? How is the gospel reflected as the central focus of parenting?
– How does the concept of fatherhood/parenthood reflecting God’s image resonate with your relationship with your parents/parental figures and with God?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
– What concrete actions can you take to foster a nurturing and supportive relationship with your children or with younger individuals you disciple/have influence on?
– How can you specifically appreciate and affirm your parents/parental figures’ role in your formation and growth this week?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
– Praise the Heavenly Father for the gift of parenthood and the role that parents play in nurturing and raising their children. Thank Him for the example of gentle, patient, and self-controlled parenthood that Paul describes, and for the earthly parents/parental figures who strive to reflect Your love and care. Express your gratitude for the parents and parental figures who stepped up to be actively present in their children’s lives, teaching and guiding them in His ways.Thank God for the blessings that come from having godly parents who mirror His heavenly fatherhood.
– For parents/parental figures: Approach the Lord in repentance for the times when you have failed to nurture and raise your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ask for forgiveness for any moments when you have provoked your children to anger or neglected to respect their individuality and personality. Ask for God’s grace to help you become more like the parents God has called you to be—patient, present, and loving, just as He is to us. Ask for help to reflect His image in your parenthood and to correct any shortcomings you may have.
– For others: Recognize that while you may not be biological parents, you still have roles and relationships where you influence and nurture others. Ask for forgiveness for the times you have failed to reflect God’s love and patience in these relationships. Repent for any ways you have provoked others to anger, neglected to respect their individuality, or failed to provide the guidance and support they needed. Ask God to help you embody the principles of gentle and nurturing leadership as described by Paul. Pray that you may apply the wisdom God gives you to encourage, support, and uplift those around you, reflecting His grace and love in all that you do.

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