
October 15, 2023

苦盡甘來 Sweet After Sweat

這是一個罪惡的世界, 也是一個苦難的世界, 我們這一群天路客註定要面對更多的苦難, 為什麼? 彼前 4:4他們在這些事上, 見你們不與他們同奔那放蕩無度的路, 就以為怪, 毀謗你們。當我們不與世人同行那條放蕩無度的路, 世人就以我們為怪! 面對這樣的世界, 我們這些天路客又當怎樣行呢? 彼得前書 4:1-11提醒我們二個重要的原則, 4:1-6是從消極的角度來面對苦難, 4:7-11是從積極的角度來面對苦難。

As pilgrims, we suffer because we don’t conform to the pattern of this world and we face indifference or even disdain. Listen to Rev. Jeremiah Cheung this week as he teaches us how we can thrive even in the midst of suffering.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

彼前 1 Peter 4:1-11

Life Group Discussion Guide

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1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
• Describe a time when someone showed Christ’s love for you in a practical way.

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• Read the passage. What is the goal/purpose of a Christian’s life (v.2)?
• How should believers respond to their knowledge of “the end” (v.7)?
• What is the goal of Christians using their gifts properly (v.11)?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
• Be honest: How do you respond when friends or co-workers pull you in to join their worldly activities/lifestyles? What contributed to you having this kind of response?
• What usually motivates or hinders you from loving others? Which of these motivations and hurdles is God asking you to continue or change?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
• List down specific people or groups that God is prodding you to show love and hospitality to. These may be people who have not accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior yet. After, make a concrete plan on how to love them practically until the end of 2023. (Note to leaders: You can have your members take a spiritual gifts test first so they can better discern how they can better love and serve others.)

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
• Praise God for the wonderful example of Jesus—He came to earth to identify with our sins and suffered in the flesh on our account so that we might be saved by faith in His sacrificial work on the Cross. Pray that you may develop the same resolve to pursue and live a holy and obedient life, knowing that He has not only paid for the penalty of your sin but has also broken the power of sin in your life.
• Repent for the times that you engaged in thoughts and activities that were not God-honoring. Request help from God in resisting the devil as you abstain from all forms of worldly pursuits and evil desires that would hinder your spiritual growth and testimony.
• Ask God to give you a heart for the lost, courage to share His Word, and compassion toward others—especially to those who may persecute you for your faith and lifestyle choices. Pray that you may diligently use the gifts that He has entrusted you with for His glory.

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Tithes & Offering

We praise the Lord that despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we can still worship online together. If CBCP is your home church and you are moved to give at this time, you may deposit your offerings via online fund transfer to our church bank accounts. Learn how to give.