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Believers, What Are You Doing? (Ephesians 4:11-13)

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung [iframe 500px 500px] While Gloria Arroyo was the country’s president, she employed a policy called holiday economics. This policy seeks to schedule all holidays on Mondays to promote tourism and encourage spending. In the United States, long weekends are a regular occurrence. Every long weekend, whole families would go on vacations; in fact, church attendance drops by half during such weekends. There is nothing wrong with spending. If money isn’t spent, it is dead and useless to us and to society. Li Jia Cheng is Hong Kong’s richest man. One time, as he stepped down from his car, a ten HK dollar coin dropped from his pocket into the gutter. He ordered his driver to […]

February 27, 2011

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The Love Nest (Ephesians 5:22-33)

Since tomorrow is February 14, Valentine’s Day, I would like us to reflect on a message of love – “The Love Nest”. There are three significant reasons why the Lord created marriage: 1. So that man may have a companion and the couple can take care of each other. 2. So that there will be godly offspring. 3. So that there will be a love nest. The home is a place of love. The most important relationship in a home is that of the husband and wife. If problems arise between the husband and wife, not only will it affect their relationship, it will also affect the parents and the children’s relationship. To establish a love nest, we have to go back to the basic relationship, the husband and wife relationship. The bible passage we just read tells us very clearly, husbands ought to love their wives, and wives are to submit to their husbands. This is very easy to say, but for a wife to submit to one’s husband is very difficult, and it is even more difficult for a husband to love his wife. It is definitely not as easy we think, but if we really hope to have a love nest, all of us must learn together as couples. Today, I would like to share this message not only to the married couples but also to everyone, because every Christian ought to learn love and submission.

February 13, 2011

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Together We Evangelize (2) – Are You Quitting, too? (Jonah 1)

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung [iframe 500px 500px] We are all familiar with Jonah’s story. Are you quitting, too? Today, I would like us to reflect on this thought as we study Jonah chapter one together. In Jonah 1, the phrase ‘flee from the Lord’ appeared three times. The prophet Jonah said he was running away from the Lord. The prophet knew God, he knew that God was omnipresent, surely he knows that there is no place he can go to hide from the Lord? It was not that Jonah didn’t know no one could hide from the Lord, but what he meant was he was quitting, he refused to carry out his assigned mission. In this chapter of 17 […]

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Life of David (6): Return of the Prodigal (2 Samuel 12)

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung [iframe 500px 500px] Last time, we studied about David’s mid-life crisis and how he failed because 1. He indulged his fleshly desires 2. His life was too easy and comfortable 3. He failed in the face of temptation 4. He deceitfully schemed to cover up his sin; as a result, this man after God’s own heart lived his days in darkness for at least two long years. During this period, the Lord’s spirit often moved and convicted him of his sins; Psalm 32:3, David said, “When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.” When he kept silent and refused to confess his sins, he experienced no peace, his bones […]

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