From Crisis to Opportunity (Acts 6:1-7)
Acts 6:1 tells us that the church encountered complaining. Complaining is a frightening thing. When the Israelites were in the wilderness, they wandered there for 40 years. Six hundred thousand able-bodied men died in the wilderness because of grumbling and complaining. Complaining is like a contagious disease. When someone starts to complain, someone will surely follow suit. One turns into ten, ten turn into hundreds. When the church is full of complaining, division will eventually happen. Acts 6:1 records the first time the problem of complaining came up in the early church. However, Acts chapter 6:7 tells us there was a good outcome – the word of God spread, the number of disciples increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. At the start, there was complaining, but in the end there was good news. Initially, there was a crisis but it was turned into an opportunity. What happened in between? Let us use three “one’s” to study this – one problem, one proposal, one outcome.