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7 Miracles in John (5): Jesus Walks on Water

We have already reflected on the first four miracles in the Gospel of John. The first is the miracle of water turned into wine. This miracle proves that Jesus is the Lord of creation. The second miracle is the healing of the royal official’s son. It revealed that Jesus is sovereign over time and space. The third miracle is the healing of the 38-year invalid, this miracles gives hope to those who are hopeless. The fourth miracle is the miracle of the five loaves and two fish. It was a miracle that resolved the problem of food. Jesus is the expert on solving difficult problems. Today, we continue and examine the fifth miracle in the Gospel of John, how Jesus walked on water.

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7 Miracles in John (4): Resolving Food Shortage

There are seven miracles in the Gospel of John. Each one of these miracles proves that Jesus is the Son of God and that we can believe in him and have eternal life. Today, let us reflect on the fourth miracle – the miracle of five loaves and two fish.

With five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed 5000 men; if women and children were included, the number could possibly reach 10,000 or so. It must have been a sensational occurrence during that time; that is why this miracle is recorded in all four Gospels. Providing food for 10,000 people in a remote area was indeed an enormous problem. But we discover here how Jesus is the expert on solving difficult problems.

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7 Miracles in John (3): The Three Sentence Miracle

The Gospel of John records seven miracles. All the miracles had the same purpose, that is, to prove that Jesus is the Son of God. Today, we will be looking at the third miracle in the Gospel of John. This is a miracle of hope for the hopeless. In this miracle, we discover Jesus made three statements: 1st- Do you want to get well? 2nd – Get up! Pick up your mat and walk. 3rd – See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you. I entitled this miracle as the “Three Sentence Miracle”.

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