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Amazing Gospel Conference

Today, we will see an amazing gospel conference and in it, we will see three different representatives:
– Abraham is a representative of God,
– Lazarus is a representative of heaven, and
– the rich man is a representative of hell.
These three people are discussing which one is the best method for evangelism:

October 16, 2011

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7 Miracles in John (7): Resurrecting the Spiritually Dead

The Gospel of John records seven miracles. Today we will be studying the last of these seven miracles: Jesus’ raising Lazarus, who had already been dead for four days, back to life. This can be called the greatest miracle, because this miracle defeated death and sin. Today, I want us to study this great miracle from another perspective – how to resurrect the spiritually dead. The Book of Ephesians tells us we are all dead in our sins, we are all spiritually dead. But the Lord Jesus made us alive, that is, we were born again. How do we become born again?

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7 Miracles in John (6): The Blind Sees, The Seeing Go Blind

In chapter 9 of John’s gospel, Jesus healed a man born blind. This was a glorious and exciting thing. But after reading the 41 verses, one realizes that no one felt excited, no one gave glory to God, apart from the blind man who was healed. The blind man’s neighbors and those who often saw him beg for alms only asked one thing: “How were your eyes opened?” The Pharisees asked his parents, “Is this your son who was born blind? How is that now your son can see?” Although they got answers to their questions, in fact, firm evidence proving that the man was born blind and that Jesus made his eyes see, they refused to accept them. In their hearts, Jesus was a sinner who breached the Sabbath. No matter what good he did, their minds were already set on the idea that he is a sinner. This is called prejudice. This is spiritual blindness. Jesus said: “The blind will see and those who see will become blind.” We must be like the blind man and turn from darkness to light; do not be like the Pharisees, who turned from light to darkness. Let us study this miracle by reflecting on how the blind man gradually came to recognize Jesus.

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Acts (5) The Powerful Name of Jesus

Acts 3:1-11 records the first miracle of the Early Church. Through the name of Jesus, Peter and John had healed a man born lame at the gate called Beautiful, consequently, this attracted a big crowd. Through the apostles, the Lord performed this miracle and opened a way for Peter to share God’s message, as a result, five thousand came to believe in the Lord (4:4). This was a message that brought salvation to five thousand. What was this message about? I entitled this message, “The Powerful Name of Jesus”.

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