慎防欺騙手段 Beware of Deception
約書亞記第九章記載基遍人欺騙以色列人的故事, 但這個故事很特別, 所有欺騙的事離不開名利財色四方面; 基遍人不是為名, 不是為利, 不是為財, 想不是為色, 他們是為生存而欺騙。基遍人該被滅絕的, 但這些惡人卻因為懼怕和願意悔改, 他們成劈柴挑水的工人, 最後還蒙恩認識了偉大的真神。
The Lord had originally intended for the Israelites to destroy the Gibeonites, but they managed to earn the Lord’s mercy. Join Rev. Jeremiah Cheung this week as he explains how a nation’s repentance led to its survival despite its deceptive methods.
Read Today’s Scripture Passage
約書亞記 Joshua 9
Life Group Discussion Guide
1. Start with a prayer
2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
• How have you experienced deception before?
3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• Read the passage. How did the kings respond when they heard about Israel’s victory? How did the Gibeonites respond?
• In what way did the Israelites disobey God? How did this affect them?
• How did the Israelites respond when they realized they were deceived?
4. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• With what you’ve shared in ‘Engage with one another’, how did you feel when you realized you were deceived? How did you respond? How is it similar/different from Joshua’s response?
• Joshua and the leaders kept their word/oath. For you, what are some challenges in keeping your promises?
5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
• Is there a promise that you need to go back to and fulfill? If yes, what will you do about it and how will you do it? If none, what should you change/improve in order to reflect God’s character of being true to your word?
6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
• Praise the Lord for He is faithful in keeping His promises and we are certain that He will fulfill them.
• Pray for wisdom, guidance and protection against deception; to reflect God’s character of having word of honor and to be convicted not to deceive others even when when pressure arises.
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Tithes & Offering
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