

Dad: A Most Endearing Masculine Name

The name `Dad’ is most endearing and precious yet it is also laden with much pressure. Endearing because when you hear people call you Dad, you feel a certain sweetness. To be able to be a father is a blessing, because children are a heritage from the Lord. On the other hand, we feel pressure because heavy are the responsibilities of a father, not only do they have to provide for the physical and material needs of the children, they also play an important role in their children’s growth. This message does not seek to add to a father’s guilt feelings, but to help them become better fathers.

June 20, 2010

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A Haven in Turbulent Times (Matt 14:22-33)

Several stormy incidents are mentioned in the Bible. One is Jonah’s storm. Jonah took a ship headed towards Tarshish and suddenly a storm came up. During Jesus’ time, the disciples’ boat was swamped by a storm while they were on the lake. When Paul was on a ship to Rome, he was caught in a storm that appeared suddenly. Storms appear suddenly, allowing little time for preparations. Where is the safest place one can be when storms happen in life?

May 23, 2010

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Motherhood, A Divine Calling

Napoleon once said, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” But we can also say, that “The hand that rocks the cradle destroys the world, too.” Mothers, how important and how great you are! Motherhood is a divine calling. What is this calling?

May 9, 2010

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