


By Rev. Jeremiah Cheung The word ‘eulogy’ comes from the Greek words ‘eu’ which means good, and ‘logy’ meaning words. Eulogy means good words. Let us stop speaking toxic words and begin to speak words which bless other people, words that build them up. What are good words then? Let me suggest six types of good words we can learn to speak: 1. Appreciation To express the good things you know about a person. 2. Acceptance To let others know you accept them, even admire them. 3. Approval To say “Okay, go ahead.” 4. Affection To communicate your love so others may know. 5. Affirmation To encourage someone by confirming that their actions/words/thoughts are good. 6. Admiration To give others […]

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Toxic or Terrific? How Relationships Affect Us

By Ptr. Mike Cariño 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take nor sit in the company of mockers. Sermon outline available at

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Four Spiritual Tests

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung If you have ever joined a Rotary Club, you know that they practice a so-called Four Way Test: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? This is a very good test. Today, we will learn from the Bible Four Spiritual Tests. Is it alright for Christians to use Facebook? May they watch movies? Should they trade stocks? Thousands of years ago, such things did not exist at all, but the Truth is eternal, and the Truth has laid down principles for everything. We are allowed to do anything which passes these Four Spiritual Tests: 1. […]

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Remove and Replace Principle

by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Today, we’ll be learning a principle called the “Remove and Replace Principle.” Here is a cup filled with filthy water. If I want a cup with clean water in it, I will have to first throw out the filthy water, then pour clean water into it. This is the “Remove and Replace” Principle. We need to remove what is bad, unclean, and negative, and Replace them with that such is good, clean, and positive. In our minds, there are a lot of bad thoughts which must first be removed before the good thoughts can take their place. 1. Remove Negative Thoughts and Replace with Positive Thoughts 2. Remove Fearful Thoughts and Replace with Courageous Thoughts 3. […]

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