
August 6, 2023

成為一位善用權柄的父親 – Be a Father Who Puts His Authority to Good Use

什麼叫善用權柄呢? 善用權柄的意思是使孩子明白他該付責任在那裡。孩子能盡早付起他該負的責任, 就是父親善用權柄的結果。作父親怎樣成為一位善用權柄的父親呢? 1.善用權柄的父親是一個明白屬靈責任的父親2.善用權柄的父親是一個尊重對待孩子的父親3.善用權柄的父親是一個將自己給出去的父親4.善用權柄的父親是一個順服上帝權柄的父親。

How should fathers exercise their God-given authority within the family? Listen to Rev. Jeremiah Cheung this week as he urges fathers to take up their spiritual responsibilities, treat their children with respect, and give of themselves, all while submitting to God’s authority.

Life Group Discussion Guide

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1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
• Share how your father (or father figures) used his authority in the home. In what ways did he put his authority into good use?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• What did you learn about your father (or yourself) through the message?
• What did you learn about our Heavenly Father through the message?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
• For fathers: Examine your heart. How have you been using your authority to highlight and keep Christ at the center of your family (and not yourself)?
• For all: How are you obeying God’s authority over your family?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
• For fathers: How will you utilize your authority in making your home a safe space for your children?
• For non-fathers: In what ways can you support your father (or father figures) in making your home a safe space?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
• Praise our Heavenly Father as He is holy and just. We can trust that He will never abuse His authority.
• For fathers: Repent for the instances you did not put your God-give authority to good use
• For non-fathers: Ask God to help you heal, forgive, and possibly reconcile with your father (or father figures) who may have abused his authority in the home
• Pray that fathers will exercise and model submission to God’s authority and let Christ be the center of their homes

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