
June 27, 2021

Final Destination

Life is short and youth is fleeting. This week, Ptr. Genesis Tan reminds us to fear God even as we enjoy life. Let us start from the days of our youth and keep the Lord at the center for our Lord will one day judge everything that we’ve done.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14

Life Group Discussion Guide

1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)

  • Describe what freedom looks like for you.

3. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)

  • In what ways have you used your freedom? What was the outcome?

4. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)

  • Read the passage. What is the relation between enjoying freedom and responsibility? Read John 8:32, what does “the Truth shall set you free” mean?
  • Why is it important to remember God as our Creator?
  • Take time to revisit the highlights of previous chapters of Ecclesiastes. What is your takeaway from this book?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)

  • Knowing that wisdom comes from fear of God, what can you commit to do as you pursue a more intimate relationship with God?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)

  • Pray for each other’s needs and concerns. (10-15 minutes)
  • Pray for our country and other nations. (10-15 minutes)
    • Government’s target to reach 10M Filipinos vaccinated by the coming week with a target to inoculate 58M Filipinos by year-end.
    • Christian Community in India: More than 300 servants of the Lord passed away in the last 2 months; Guard against burnout/exhaustion, compassion fatigue, and trauma brought about by the dire situation and number of deaths.

Would you like to try joining a Life Group session? Fill out our Contact form and our Life Group Officer will get in touch with you shortly.

Tithes & Offering

We praise the Lord that despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we can still worship online together. If CBCP is your home church and you are moved to give at this time, you may deposit your offerings via online fund transfer to our church bank accounts. Learn how to give.