David: The Shepherd King
This week, Ptr. Genesis Tan shares reflections from the life of David, the model Shepherd-King. By choosing to recognize his limits, give up his claim to power, and rely instead on God’s mercy, David shows us how we, too, can be Overcomers after God’s own heart.
Read Today’s Scripture Passage
1 Samuel 17:38-40 / 1 Samuel 18:6-11; 24:1-22 / 2 Samuel 15:23-26 / 2 Samuel 16:5-13
Life Group Discussion Guide
1. Start with a prayer
2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
- Choose 2 LG members to share a devotion they recently had.
- What about the message that made an impact on you?
3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
- What incidents happened to David that became his turning points? (1Sam.25, 1Sam.27:1-2, and 2Sam.11). Please share what you understood from these 3 incidents.
- How did David overcome life’s challenges? What kind of heart did David have? What does 1Sam. 30:6 mean?
- David had his limitations. How did he overcome these limitations? (1Sam.17:38-40, 1Sam.18:6-11 and 24:1-22, 2Sam.15:23-26, and 2Sam.16:5-13)
- How does the incident with Bathsheba relate with the woman caught in adultery in John 8?
- What have you learned about God from the message? How did David foreshadow Jesus our Savior?
4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
- In what way/s are you able to relate with David’s experiences?
- Has there been a time when you are forced to leave your comfort zone? Please share how you managed through it. How did it become a turning point for you?
- What limitations has God put in your life that you can now identify as His grace?
- Take time to reflect on 1 Sam. 30:6 “… but David found strength in the Lord his God”. Share your reflection.
5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
- David had his dark side and so do we. What is God telling you to do about it? How are you going to do it?
6. Engage God in prayer (20-30 mins)
- Pray for each other’s needs and concerns. (10-15 minutes)
- Pray for our country. (10-15 minutes)
- Government leaders to lead with integrity and justice
- Wisdom for our leaders to navigate through the pandemic and to plan for economic recovery to fight against unemployment and poverty
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Tithes & Offering
We praise the Lord that despite the Coronavirus pandemic, we can still worship online together. If CBCP is your home church and you are moved to give at this time, you may deposit your offerings via online fund transfer to our church bank accounts. Learn how to give.