
January 21, 2018

Build God’s Church (3): The Church is the Bride of Christ

The Bible’s description of the church as the Bride of Christ traces back to Jewish wedding traditions. In this message, Ptr. Genesis Tan leads us to a deeper understanding of what it means to be the Bride of Christ and encourages us to prepare for the coming of our Bridegroom.

Scripture Passage: Ephesians 5:25-27

Sermon Notes

I. Summary:
1. Christ Sacrificed for His Bride
2. Christ Sanctifies His Bride
3. Christ will Snatch Away His Bride
“As the bride of Christ, let us prepare for the coming of our Bridegroom.”

II. Application:
a. Re-examine your salvation
b. Remember your Bridegroom (Communion)
c. Read God’s Word
d. Reserve yourself for Jesus
e. Revitalize your marriage
f. Request Christ’s immediate return

Lifegroup Discussion Questions

1) What’s your highlight in today’s message? what do you want to remember?

2) Knowing that Christ will come back again soon, how are you preparing yourself as part of the church, His bride?

3) Husbands, in what specific way can you love your wife sacrificially, as Christ loves His bride (the Church)?

4) Wives, in what specific way(s) can you submit to your husband, just as the Church submits to Christ, her Bridegroom?

5) What actions will you take this week to apply what you learned?

6) In what specific areas of your life do you need encouragement? How can your Lifegroup support you?