Ruth (3): Submission: Who? What?
Without submission, it is impossible to be blessed by God. In this week’s message, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung uses the questions ‘Who?’ and ‘What?’ to help us learn from the example of Ruth. See Part 4
There are four chapters in the Book of Ruth. The first chapter talks about Choices. The second chapter talks about Grace. The third chapter, which is today’s topic, talks about Submission, while the fourth chapter focuses on Blessings.
Ruth was blessed because of her submission. In other words, Submission comes before Blessings. Without submission, it is impossible to be blessed by God – this is an unchanging truth. Today, let us learn the lesson of submission from Ruth by asking two questions: Who? And what?
Sermon Outline
1. WHO? Who do we submit to?
2. WHAT? What do we submit to?
Lifegroup Discussion Questions
1. What comes to mind when you hear the word “submission”? How do you feel about submission? Is it a good or a bad thing? Why?
2. It is through God’s grace that Ruth was able to enter God’s Kingdom. Ruth was able to enter into Boaz’ family because of her submission. As a believer saved by grace, what can you learn from Ruth?
3. Outwardly, Ruth submitted to Naomi and Boaz. But in her heart, to whom was she really submitting?
4. Outwardly, Ruth submitted to Naomi and Boaz’s instructions. But what was she really submitting to?