
August 28, 2016

Restoring God’s Plan for the Family (4). Healing Our Hurts

by Ptr. Genesis Tan

Verse: Exodus 15:22-27

To Heal Our Hurts, Let Us Cry Out to God and Obey the LORD Our Healer

  • Honoring the LORD doesn’t guarantee a hurt-free life
  • Hurting situations can either push us away or draw us closer to the LORD
  • Hurting situations in our lives tests how much we trust the LORD.
  • Healing our hurts comes from obeying the LORD’s Word: Choose to forgive

Reflection Questions

  • In Exodus 15:22-27, how did the circumstances influence the people’s attitude toward God? Describe times in your own life when your circumstances have caused your attitude toward God to fluctuate.
  • How did Moses react to the circumstances? What does his example teach about how we should respond to difficult circumstances?
  • God tested the Israelites with adverse circumstances, thus uncovering what was in their hearts. Describe ways in which you have experienced God testing you. How did you respond?
  • Who is a person in your life who has hurt you deeply and why? Have you forgiven this person? If not yet, why not? What makes it difficult for you to forgive?
  • Who is someone in your life that you have offended and hurt badly? Have you asked forgiveness from this person? If not yet, why not? 
What makes it difficult for you to ask for forgiveness?
  • After learning this story, what is God asking you to do now? How would you respond?

Yahweh Rapha, LORD God our Healer, I bow before You today to acknowledge that You are not only my Creator but the LORD who heals me. You know my pain and hurts. Please heal me today, body, heart, soul and spirit, and do the same for my loved ones. I pray that You will heal me from the bitterness in my heart. Forgive me LORD for my grumblings when I am hurt instead of crying out to You for help. Help me to surrender to You in trust by forgiving the person (parents, spouse, others) who has hurt me the most. It is difficult for me to forgive but I am making this decision. Please empower me with Your Spirit. I choose to forgive as You have forgiven me. Bring people into my life who will journey with me towards the path of healing and reconciliation. Please transform my life together with my family in ways that glorify You. In Jesus Name, Amen.