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Acts (7) The First Crisis in the Early Church – Deception

Satan is a relentless enemy, he will not abandon his attack on God’s church. The incident involving Ananias and Sapphira is the the first recorded internal crisis that the Early Churched encountered – Deception.

Deception originates from Satan. If the Early Church was such an outstanding church, a model church, how did such an incident happen? Let’s learn more.

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Acts (6): The Name of Jesus (Acts 4:5-31)

In Acts 3, we see three groups of people discussing the name of the Lord, but the themes of their discussion were different. The Sanhedrin was opposing the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; the apostles were exalting the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Church was calling out in prayer to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, let us reflect on this passage and learn how we must regard the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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The 8th Miracle in the Gospel of John: The Miracle of Love

We have already studied seven miracles recorded in the Gospel of John. But there is an eighth miracle in John 21. In this chapter, the main subject is Peter. If you know the Bible, you will find that Peter in the Gospel of John is different from Peter in the Book of Acts. Peter seems to have transformed into a different person. In John, Peter was impulsive, loved to be the leader and often spoke impetuously. But in Acts, Peter is a true spiritual leader, he is courageous and humble, his ministry was full of power; when he stood up to preach, 3000 – 5000 people turned to the Lord. John 21 records the turning point in Peter’s life. Because the Lord Jesus performed a miracle (of love), Peter’s life was totally transformed. In this miracle, we realize the Lord requests three things from those who belong to him: 1. Love Him 2. Serve Him 3. Follow Him.

November 6, 2011

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The Church that Turns the World Upside Down (Acts 17:6)

I recently read a book entitled: “The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs”. In it, Steve Jobs shared the seven principles of his success. After finishing the book, I felt deeply that since the church has the life-changing Gospel, which is more valuable and more important than any i-product, we should strive to become a church which turns the world upside down with the gospel. I’ve borrowed four of the seven secrets mentioned by Steve Jobs and applied it to CBCP, hopeful that we may become a church that turns the world upside down.

October 23, 2011

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