by Ptr. Samson Uytanlet Sometimes we have to complain, because complaints can be necessary. Complaints allow those in authority to take action and change what needs to be changed. Complaints about us also allow us to see ourselves with new eyes, and change ourselves for the better. But some complaints are unnecessary. Let us look at Numbers 11-12, and examine four types of unnecessary complaints. 1. Numbers 11:1 The people became like those who complain of adversity, as if something evil had happened to them, as if the Lord has done something to them. The Lord’s anger was kindled, and the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp. In the ten […]
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by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung “Church” in Greek is Ecclesia. This term is composed of two words: the word “Ek” meaning come out, and the word “Kaleo” meaning call. The Church is not a building; the term refers to a group of people called out by God. We are the church, and this place is but a place of assembly. Jesus referred to us as the light of the world, the salt of the earth. But the latest statistics tell us that Christians and non-Christians do not differ much in morality and in conduct. There is no clear distinction between believers and non-believers. As we face these statistics honestly, we must ask ourselves the question: “Church, what are we doing?” There […]
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by Rev. Jeremiah Cheung Salvation is God’s free gift to the world. We don’t need to obey any set of do’s and don’ts to obtain it, we simply accept it by faith. Salvation is not a religion. There is no one religion that can save any person, because religion is all about rules, do’s and don’ts, which no one can completely observe. Salvation is not a religion, salvation is a relationship. True faith is a relationship with God. Matthew 4:19 records Jesus’s invitation to a pair of brothers by the Sea of Galilee. When they were casting their nets into the sea, He said to them, “Come, follow me! I will make you fishers of men.” And immediately they left […]
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