
July 21, 2024

敬拜的規矩 Rules for Worship


While we are free to choose how we conduct our Sunday worship, we must remember that our Lord is a God of order and decency. This week, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung explains the rules of worship and the propriety required of people who lead our communal worship.

Read Today’s Scripture Passage

林前 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Life Group Discussion Guide

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1. Start with a prayer

2. Engage one another (15-30 mins)
• Share an experience where you worked alongside someone with a different role or skill set. How did your combined efforts achieve something greater?

3. Engage the mind (15-20 mins)
• Read the passage. What is it teaching? Should Christian women today wear head coverings in the church? Why or why not?
• What does it mean that God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of man, and that man is the head of woman? Do you see this principle displayed in today’s context? Why or why not?

4. Engage the heart (15-20 mins)
• Examine yourself: Do you agree with the passage’s teaching of headship? What do you think encourages or hinders you from accepting the model God has designed?
• How do you view the concept of headship in your relationship with God, and how does it influence your interactions with others?

5. Engage the hands (15-20 mins)
• How can you actively demonstrate headship and submission in your role within the church and your circles?
• How can you effectively balance honoring cultural traditions and maintaining the integrity of biblical truth in your personal and communal worship practices?

6. Engage with God in prayer (20-30 mins)
• Praise God for the divine order He has established, where Christ is the head of every person and man is the head of woman. Thank Him for the beautiful complementarity in creation, where man and woman, though different, are made to reflect His glory together. Recognize and embrace the unique roles and responsibilities God has given you, and for the harmony and unity that come from following His design.
• Approach the Lord in repentance for the times you have failed to respect and honor the roles and authority God has established within the church. Ask for forgiveness for your pride and resistance to submission, and for any ways you have allowed cultural preferences to overshadow His Truth. Pray for God to give you the strength and humility to submit wholeheartedly to His order, recognizing the wisdom and goodness in His design.

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