
April 1, 2018

From Death to Life

Resurrection is not a thing of the future; it began in you the moment you believed in Christ. This Easter Sunday, Rev. Jeremiah Cheung shares the three secrets for living out the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus.

Scripture Passage
1 Corinthians 15:20-22
Philippians 3:10-11

Sermon Notes

1. Die to Sin
a. Desires are ___________
b. Desires and temptation ___________
c. Sin gives birth to ________

2. Die to Self
a. In ____________ time
b. In ____________ time

3. Live to God
a. When Jesus was ____________
b. When Jesus was ___________________ on the mountain
c. When Jesus faced the ________

Discussion Questions

1. What is your key takeaway from this message?

2. There are three secrets for living out the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus. What are they?

3. The first secret is dying to sin; how can we do this? The Book of James tells us that sin begins with one’s own evil desire and ends in death. How does this process happen?

4. The second secret is dying to self; how can we do this? What are the testimonies of Elijah and Esther? How can they help us understand this secret?

5. The third secret is living to God; how can we do this? Jesus modelled this three times. Can you explain how?